Tuesday 2 December 2014

Simple dish: Corned Beef Whole Tomato Rice

We are into the last month of 2014! How did the time go by so fast? We are left with 29 days to complete our resolution for 2014. Are you ready to tick your resolution checklist?

I wanted a work-life balance when I started out 2014. I couldn't find that in the corporate world doing my old job so am glad I took the courage to do baking full-time from mid 2014. I have tried a number of new experiences this year... working in a cafe part-time, teaching baking courses and of course baking full-time. I have met new friends along the way who have kindly shared their experiences with me. It's not easy running your own business. I taught my 2nd baking class last Sunday and had good fun with the participants.

So last week was another busy week for me as I prepare for the class and the 1st birthday party for my little online bakery. My mind was full of baking and I did't really know what to cook for meals. I saw an FB post from a friend on Thursday morning on her cooking the whole Tomato rice and inspiration struck. I had watched the tutorial on whole Tomato rice a few weeks ago and knew it is the current hot favourite on the Internet in several countries but didn't get round to cooking it. It's a simple meal to prepare in your rice cooker and you can add whatever ingredients you have on hand.
I remembered I had a can of Libby's corned beef sitting in my pantry for a few months and thought it's time to cook it so I came up with this version of Corned beef Whole Tomato Rice.

Corned Beef Whole Tomato Rice (Serves 3-4)
1/2 can Corned Beef
1/2 white onion (diced)
1 large tomato (remove the top and bottom bits)
2 cups of washed uncooked Rice
1 tbsp Olive oil

1) Heat up the rice cooker and add the Olive oil
2) Fry the onion till soft and transparent
3) Add the corned beef and fry till fragrant
4) Dish up the fried corned beef and set aside
5) Add the washed rice into the rice cooker and added water to the level indicated by the rice cooker.
6) Remove about 5-6 tbsp of water as the tomato contains water
7) Put tomato into the center of the pot and add salt and pepper to taste
8) Let the rice and tomato cook in the rice cooker as per norm
9) When the rice is done, stir the rice and the tomato and add in the fried corn beef.
10) Mix well and serve.

Below is the cooked rice from Friday before mixing in the fried corned beef. As my tomato was small, I added 2 tomatoes to the rice.

* Do remember to remove the water in step 6 otherwise your rice will be very soft and mushy. I made the mistake as I was in a hurry on Thursday. Cooked the dish again on Friday and remember this time to remove the water and it tastes so much better.

You can add different ingredients to the rice and try different combinations. Maybe one for each day of the week :)

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