Thursday 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas! Simple dessert: Panna Cotta

Merry Christmas! It's a cool 27 deg C in tropical Singapore. Hope you are having a lovely Christmas with your love ones and opening all the presents :) I attended Christmas eve mass with friends whom I have met in Shanghai. It was a lovely reunion.

Sorry for missing last week's post. My sister's slipped disc was acting up and I was shuttling around to bring her to physio and doc. Thank God she is now feeling better and can at least walk about without much pain though she still can't sit for long. My laptop also decided to act up end of last week and had to see the "doc" too :) In the midst of the busy schedule, I am thankful to family and friends who helped out.

I made this lovely Panna Cotta 2 weeks ago. Never knew it was so easy. I was introduced to Panna Cotta about 10 years back at Pasta Brava. I loved it ever since but never thought about making it. It was a spur of the moment that I decided to make it at 9pm in the evening 2 weeks ago.

Panna Cotta (Makes 5 martini glass)
2 cups of thick cream
50g caster sugar
1 Vanilla bean/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp gelatin
3 tbsp cold water

1) Heat up the thick cream and caster sugar either in microwave or over the stove. Once the sugar melts, remove from heat and stir in the vanilla. If using vanilla bean, let it infuse for 30 minutes and reheat the mixture.
2) Mix the gelatin with the cold water and let it stand for 5-10 minutes
3) Pour the warm cream mixture into the gelatin and mix till the gelatin has completely dissolved.
4) Divide the panna cotta into the martini glasses and chill for at least 2 hours before serving.

* In the top photos, I have added 1 tbsp of Kahlua to half the mixture to make coffee flavoured Panna Cotta.

I have served the vanilla Panna Cotta with some blueberry pie filling for a refreshing taste. You may also greased some ramekins and pour the panna cotta mixture and mould them for serving.

Hope you would try making the dessert. It's a simple dessert to make for a party or gathering.

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