Wednesday 12 November 2014

Creamy pumpkin soup (without cream)

It has been raining everyday for the past few days here in Singapore and we are experiencing some of the coolest days in the year (about 24 deg C at night). No need to turn on the air-conditioner at home..Hooray! Despite the wet weather, I had a lovely week. I was busy baking away on weekdays and had a lovely catch-up with an friend on Sunday. I spent the last 2 days baking and decorating children's cakes and find them such a joy to make.

Pardon the poor lighting as I had to take them without natural sunlight due to the rain. I finally got a chance to use the teddy bear bread tin that I bought from Tokyo. 2 cake tins used, 2 more to go.....
I actually wanted to make a Rilakkuma cake for a friend who loves the bear but drew the mouth incorrectly so this is just a teddy bear cake :) Both cakes were made with 2 different flavours; chocolate and coffee. Interesting? Just received an order for an Elephant cake next week... looking forward.

Since it was rainy and cool, I wanted some hot soup for dinner tonight. Decided to make myself some creamy pumpkin soup since I have some carrots and potatoes leftover from last week's Chicken and potatoes stew. I used to dislike creamy soups as I find them too heavy and prefer the clear soups. Usually I can hardly finish half a bowl of creamy soup. However a friend, K taught me this recipe a few years back and started me cooking more western soups.

Creamy Pumpkin Soup (serves 4)

500g pumpkin
2-3 medium carrots
3 russet potatoes
1 white onion
1 tsp Italian mixed herbs
2 bay leaves (optional)
1 litre water
1 stock cube
salt and pepper

1. Wash and peel the pumpkin, carrots and potatoes.Cut them into cubes
2. Peel and chopped the onion
3. Heat up a pot and 1 tablespoon of oil.
4. Fry the chopped onion till soft. Add the mixed herbs, pepper and bay leaves and fry till fragrant.
5. Add the potatoes, carrots and pumpkin and mix well.
6. Add the water and stock cube and bring it to a boil.
7. When the soup comes to a boil, lower the fire to simmer till the potatoes are soft.
8. Use a hand-head blender or transfer the soup into a blender and blend till smooth. If the consistency is too thick, add a little hot water.
9. Season with salt and pepper and served with warm bread.

You can add a little smoked paprika and cumin if you like while frying the mixed herbs. There are no hard and fast rules for the proportions of the vegetables. I find this soup which is thickened by potatoes much lighter and have made this soup numerous times. Hope you like it too.

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