Wednesday 5 November 2014

Chicken and potato stew

Hello! Sorry to miss the posting last week. I was busy catching up with friends and preparing for a cupcake baking and decorating class which was held last Sunday. In between that I also had to plan and design 3 cakes which I have not done previously. They turned out beautifully. I will share pictures of those cakes in my next post.

This is my first time teaching a class. I had in mind a tea party where we could relax and let out creative juices flow. Thank you to friends who gave me tea and cupcake stand sets so that we could all have a nice tea party. We all had a great time including the assistants and the participants. I'm sure you have heard about expressing yourself through drawing and painting and now you can express yourself through cupcake decorating. We were amazed and blown away by the decorations done by the participants. They were beyond our expectations. You may not necessarily excel in Art but can still be fantastic in cake decorating. It's just a different type of canvas.

Here are the pictures from the class:

Amazing isn't it? Most of the participants have no prior experience in piping and decorating. This is such a wonderful way to express your love for your family and friends. The first picture shows that goodies I have baked for the participants. Quite a few of them including the owner of the kitchen we used couldn't stop munching on the Chocolate Cookie Slice.

Despite my crazy schedule, I managed to cook some meals with the help of my thermal pot.
Today I am going to share with you the recipe for a Chicken Potato Stew. Be warned to have plenty of bread or rice to serve with this stew. It's really good and you won't be able to stop at one bowl.

Chicken Potato Stew (serves 3-4)

1 medium size chicken (about 800g to 1 kg)
2-3 carrots
3-4 potatoes (I like to use russet potatoes)
1 white onion
2 tbsp of oyster sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
4-6 dried chilli (soaked in water)
1 tbsp light soya sauce
2-3 tbsp corn syrup

1. Wash and cut the chicken into pieces. Remove the skin.
2. Wash and peel the onions, carrots and potatoes.
3 Cut the carrots and potatoes into chunks and slice the onion thinly
4. Cut the dried chilli into pieces
5. Heat up 1 tbsp of cooking oil in the thermal inner pot. Fry the onion and dried chilli till fragrant.
6. Add the chicken pieces and fry them till light brown.
7. Add the potatoes and carrots chunks and fry them for a while.
8. Add the oyster sauce, light soya sauce, sesame oil and corn syrup and mix well.
9. Add in 400ml of water and cover the pot. Bring the stew to a boil and turn off the fire. Put the pot into the thermal outer container and leave it to cook in the thermal for about an hour.
10. Garnish with some roasted sesame seeds. Serve the stew with rice or bread.

* For those who do not have a thermal pot, you can use a non stick pot to cook the stew and let it simmer till the potatoes are soft.

This stew is good for a picnic or as a meal in itself. I made a pot of this stew for a picnic 2 months back and we almost finished the whole pot even without any rice or bread.

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