Monday 31 August 2015

recipes using leftover egg yolks: cantonese egg tarts

What to do with leftover egg yolks? This was the question on my mind since the weekend. I made meringue buttercream on Saturday and ended up with 10 egg yolks leftover.  I made lemon curd earlier this month with my leftover egg yolks (would post the recipe soon). Since my egg tart craving last week wasn't satisfied by those sold at the foodcourt, I decided to modify the recipe to substitue egg yolks for whole eggs in this recipe.

Cantonese egg tart (recipe from Christine's recipes) makes about 12 egg tarts
Tart cases:

200g plain flour
25g cake flour
125g soften butter
55g icing sugar
dash of vanilla essence
1 egg whisked (1 used 2 egg yolks)
1) Pre-heat oven at 200 deg C
2) Beat soften butter together with icing sugar till creamy
3) Add the egg and vanilla essence and mix well
4) Sieve the cake and plain flour together.
5) Add the flour in 2 batches into the beaten butter
6) Form into a dough and roll out to about 2 cm thick.

6) Cut into circles smaller than the tart mould and shape pastry on the mould.

Egg custard:
150g boiling water
70g caster sugar
2 eggs (I used 4 egg yolks)
75g evaporated milk
 1/2 tsp vanilla essence

1) Add the sugar to boiling water and stir till dissolved
2) Add the evaporated milk and mix well
3) Add whisked egg and vanilla essence and mix well
4) Transfer to a jug for easy pouring into the tart cases
5) Fill the tart cases about 75% full

6) Bake the tarts at 200 deg C for 10 mins till slightly brown
7) Lower the temperature till 180 deg C and continue baking for another 10-15 minutes (watch carefully) till custard is cooked (when a toothpick can stand in the custard)
8) Cool and serve on cupcake cases

The colour of the egg custard is more vibrant using the egg yolk recipes vs the whole egg recipe. The tart cases are also more crumbly using only egg yolks. I love egg tarts and this is one recipe that I always use for egg tarts. For this post, I have used photos from both whole egg and egg yolk only recipes. Serve the egg tarts with hot tea or coffee for a lovely tea or breakfast.

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