Monday 30 March 2015

Easter desserts week 3: Easter Bunny Carrot Cupcake

Happy Monday! It's a 4-day work week and we'll be having a long weekend to celebrate Good Friday and Easter at the end of the week.

Following the previous posts on Chocolate and Coconut Sugar Easter cupcakes, I have decided to make some Bunny carrot cupcakes. I had fun making my own coloured sugar and decorating the cupcakes with marshmallows and chocolate buttons. Hope you will have as much fun.

Carrot cake (recipe adapted from here)

150g melted butter
150g soft light brown sugar
3 large eggs
200g self-raising flour
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
½ tsp salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp grated nutmeg
Zest of 1 orange
100g sultanas or raisins
200g carrots, peeled and grated
100g walnuts

1. Preheat the oven to 180 deg C 
2. Put the melted butter, sugar and eggs into a large mixing bowl and whisk well until the ingredients are thoroughly combined and the mixture has almost doubled in volume.
3. Sift together the flour, bicarbornate, salt and spices and then fold very gently into the liquid mixture. Be careful not to deflate the batter. 
4. Fold in the orange zest and grated carrots gently and divide between the cupcake cases. 
5. Bake for about 30 minutes until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean. Cool cupcakes before frosting.
Red or Orange Mini M&Ms
Chocolate Chips
Fruit rolls
Pink coloured sugar (put a drop of red food colouring into some caster sugar and shake vigorously)
Cream Cheese frosting (refer to Red Velvet cupcake recipe)

1. Cut the marshmallows into 3 and then into halves
2. Coat one side of the marshmallow with the pink sugar
3. Pipe a layer of cream cheese on each cupcake and smooth with a spatula
4. Put 2 cut marshmallows as bunny ears, 2 chocolate chips for eyes and one mini M&M for nose.
5. Cut the fruit rolls into smaller pieces to use as whiskers.

Have fun!

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