Wednesday 3 September 2014

Simple dish: Steamed chicken wings with black fungus

I have been very busy baking mooncakes and birthday cakes this past week. Had friends who enquired about buying the cheese mooncakes after seeing my previous post. Never expected it to be a best seller! Even my mum who doesn't take much cheese has requested for a box of these mooncakes! As I am writing this post, the smell of cheese is wafting from the oven as I am baking another batch of the mooncakes. Hope you had the chance to try making these mooncakes.

I have also baked a cute cake for my sister and bro-in-law to celebrate their wedding anniversary and his birthday. I got the inspiration as they love ducks. At their wedding, they tied their wedding bands to a soft toy duck rather than on a pillow.

I have also made a coffee cake for a combined birthday celebration at a friend's place last weekend.

With the baking of the mooncakes and designing the cakes, I was way too busy to think of what to cook for dinner for myself. I wanted something simple and fast without much cleaning up to do afterwards.

My friend B, suggested steaming chicken wings and since I had leftover fresh black fungus, I decided to add that to my dish.

Steamed Chicken Wings with black fungus

4 Chicken wings
3-4 Red dates
2 slices of Ginger, cut into thin strips
1 tsp of wolfberries
4-5 pieces of fresh black fungus (you may use the dried ones but soak them till soft before use)
salt to taste
1 tsp Huatiao wine (optional)

1) Wash and soak the red dates and wolfberries
2) Clean the chicken wings, marinate with some salt.
3) Wash the the fresh black fungus
4) Place the fresh black fungus on a plate, put the chicken wings on top and scatter the red dates, wolfberries and ginger around the plate.
5) Add the Huatiao wine
6) Steam on high heat for about 10 mins till chicken wings are cooked.

You can steam this in your rice cooker when cooking rice and you can save on washing up a wok or steamer :)

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